About me



O meu nome é Rita e desde que me lembro de mim que gosto de fazer coisas com as mãos.

Esse gosto levou-me a seguir Artes e a formar-me em Arquitectura. Contudo, a vida de atelier foi para mim menos inspiradora e decidi mudar.

Tornei-me jornalista na mesma área, conheci e entrevistei referências nacionais e internacionais, aprendi muito, diverti-me ainda mais. Mas o gosto de fazer coisas com as mãos continuava lá e o escrever não era suficiente.

O meu primeiro contacto com os têxteis foi na escola. Tinha 10 anos. E essa memória, anos mais tarde, fez-me recuperar um tear antigo feito pelo meu avô e voltar a tecer.

Daí até aqui tem sido um caminho orgânico, que se tem vindo a construir.

Hoje a minha actividade profissional centra-se em dois verbos: tecer e escrever. E os dois têm muito mais a ver do que à primeira vista podemos perceber.


My name is Rita and since I remember myself I like to do things with my hands.

That taste led me to follow Arts and to graduate in Architecture. However, the life of the studio was less inspiring for me and I decided to change.

I became a journalist in the same field, met and interviewed national and international references, learned a lot, had even more fun. But the pleasure of doing things with my hands was still there and writing was not enough.

My first contact with textiles was at school. I was 10 years old. And that memory, years later, made me recover an old loom made by my grandfather and start weaving again.

From then on, it has been an organic path that has been built.

Today my professional activity focuses on two verbs: weave and write. And the two have much more to do than we can realize at first glance.


4 comentários

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    To your success,


  • Hey there!

    First off, I want to sincerely apologize for reaching out unexpectedly through this contact form. I know unsolicited messages can be a bit of an annoyance, and it’s not usually my style to intrude like this. Also, full transparency – I’m not currently a customer of yours, nor have we had any business interactions in the past. My aim here isn’t to intrude, but to share something that I genuinely believe could be a game-changer for fellow Shopify sellers like us.

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    Thank you for considering this opportunity, and my apologies once again for the unsolicited nature of this message. Wishing you the very best in your business endeavors!

    Best regards,


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